CDFG members will be presenting 4 new papers at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020, spanning areas such as robot design, material appearance, and fluidic device optimization. Tao Du, Kui Wu, and Andy Spielberg will present their work on Functional Optimization of Fluidic Devices with Differentiable Stokes Flow. On the robotics side, CDFG members Allan Zhao, Jie Xu, Mina Konaković Luković, and Andrew Spielberg will present RoboGrammar: Graph Grammar for Terrain-Optimized Robot Design. Lastly, we present two papers focused on material modelling and appearance. PhD students Liang Shi and Beichen Li tackle digital material synthesis in their paper MATch: Differentiable Material Graphs for Procedural Material Capture, while researchers Michal Piovarči and Michael Foshey investigate physical material properties with their paper, Towards Spatially Varying Gloss Reproduction for 3D Printing.
For more information about these projects, please visit the project webpages linked above. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming talks!